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時(shí)間:2020-03-25 14:29:04  來(lái)源:邯鄲文化網(wǎng)  作者:名畫(huà)記1  瀏覽: 分享:


2020春天來(lái)臨,當(dāng)全世界的醫(yī)生和衛(wèi)生專業(yè)人員都在努力拯救生命時(shí),82歲的著名藝術(shù)家大衛(wèi)霍克尼決定為這個(gè)被病毒感染的世界盡自己的一份力量?;艨四峒某隽艘环麨?span lang="EN-US">“記住 他們不能取消春天的新畫(huà)作,以鼓舞全世界人民的精神。它對(duì)這個(gè)謙遜的觀察者有效。也許對(duì)你也一樣。


 “Do remember they can’t cancel the spring”  @David Hockney, 82,2020

Instragram/Louisiana Museum



 David Hockney in his studio in Los Angeles


David HockneyThe Arrival of Spring



David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 1 January 

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 4 January 

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 18 January 

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 23 February

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 14 March 

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 18 March 

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 22 March 

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 1 April

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 14 April

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 25 April (2011)

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 28 April (2011)

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 5 May (2011)

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 11 May (2011)

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 16 May (2011)

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 19 May (2011)

139.7 x 105.4 cm


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 18 December (2011)

236 x 178 cm overall


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 2 January (2011)

236 x 178 cm overall


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 2 January (2011)

236 x 178 cm overall


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 4 May (2011)

236 x 178 cm overall


David Hockney

The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate

East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven) - 30 May (2011)

236 x 178 cm overall


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